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Profiles optimized to get 1-450 Herbalism & Mining with as few zones as possible, keeping nodes per hour high and zone distance low. You need to be at least level 60 with Flight Master's License unlocked(old world flying).
Idea behind this is to streamline gathering profession leveling reducing effort into getting your characters to max professions in classic as it was previously very tedious and something that was annoying to come back and do at max level.
If you have plenty of accounts that need early profession leveling or want a quality pack you can rely on this is for you.
Elwynn Forest (Peacebloom, Silverleaf, Copper Ore)
Redridge Mountains (Earthroot, Mageroyal, Briarthorn, Bruiseweed, Copper Ore, Tin Ore)
Northern Stranglethorn (Wildsteelbloom, Liferoot, Kingsblood, Bruiseweed, Tin Ore)
Cape of StranglethornKhadgar's Whisker, Fadeleaf, Goldthorn, Iron Ore, Gold Ore)
Burning Steppes (Sungrass, Dreamfoil, Firebloom, Mithril Ore)
Swamp of Sorrows (Golden Sansam, Sorrowmoss, Thorium Ore)
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