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The War Within Gathering Pack
5.0 (3 reviews)

Purchasing gives access to all current and future profiles for this product. No need to do anything, they will display if more are added.

Thoroughly tested profiles compared to the free pack expect a large increase in efficiency and optimization with over 1000+ whitelisted nodes across all profiles. No more getting stuck with missing blacklists inside caves because you've ventured to the other side of the map gathering visible nodes, no need to uncheck settings to gain more gp/hr that risk you being reported due to flying around in circles trying to gather underground.

List of profiles you'll be given access to:

Isle of Dorn Short
Isle of Dorn Medium
Isle of Dorn Long
Isle of Dorn Short Reverse
Isle of Dorn Medium Reverse
Isle of Dorn Long Reverse
Ringing Deeps Short
Ringing Deeps Medium (in development)
Ringing Deeps Long
Ringing Deeps Short Reverse
Ringing Deeps Medium (in development)
Ringing Deeps Long Reverse
Hallowfall Mini
Hallowfall Short
Hallowfall Long
Hallowfall Mini Reverse
Hallowfall Short Reverse
Hallowfall Long Reverse
AzjKahet Short
AzjKahet Long
AzjKahet Short Reverse
AzjKahet Long Reverse

  • more to come
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